* Blend of science, astronomy and astrology and one
of the eminent features of Indian heritage.
* The actual scope of vastu shastra is very wide, as it
covers concepts of Astrology,Science, Mathematics, and
lot of other disciplines.
* Vastu-dwellings of humans or gods--Sanskrit.
Vastu Purush
Vastu Purusha
* It is basically derived from the likeness of the human
32 gods figure, head in the North-East in the mandal of 64 squares,
the legs in the South-West, right hand in North-West, left
hand in South-East and other parts the body fill the square.
* 32 gods or deities are constituent of the body
of Vastu purush.
* When these are scrupulously followed proper ventilation
and good disposition to Sun and privacy is ensured.
*Many factors govern the life of human beings like fate
and his surroundings. It is believed that Vastu make
sweet things sweeter and bitter things bitter.
* Belief-If the construction is not according to Vastu
principles ,thinking and action of people residing in
buildings lead to disorderlines.
* Vastu is not only for dwellings, but also for industrial
and commercial buildings, ancient temples ,cities etc.
* So Architects and Vastu engineers coordinate.
* Basic idea is to harmonise with the neighborhood,
nature and the universe.
* Many rules are common sense as they relate to
ventilation and sunlight.
* Internal planning of buildings is equally important.
* Most of the south Indian temples are according to
Basic principles
* The North east is assigned to Water---borewell , under- ground water tank.
* South east is for Fire�Kitchen, pantry, furnace, boilers.
* Northwest is assigned for Air�Store, guest room
finished goods.
* South west for Earth---stable elements.
* Centre is assigned for Space�least possible activity in
this area.
* Belief-with Vastu destiny is not changed, but it is
* Vastu Shilpa Shastra, is an ancient Indian
science for designing and building structures.
P r i n c i p l e s o f V a s t u..................................
Placement of universal elements
* Basic principles of Vastu enables us to achieve balance
among the basic elements of the universe such as fire
air, space, earth and water.
* Belief-When harmony between these elements gets
disturbed, it leads to stress, illness and tension of the
* For best results any activity in the house or office should
be supplemented by the cosmic position of elements.
V a s t u P u r u s h a M an d a l a.........................
* Vastu - surrounding, Purusha - energy, workplace,
Mandala - the astrological chart which relates the
layout to orientation.
* The principles of orientation is directly related to the
Vastu purusha mandala.
* The plan of the layout of a temple or a residential
building is technically called Vastu Purusha Mandala .
* A grid of 8 x 8 = 64 spaces or 9 x 9 = 81 spaces of
equal dimensions.
* Addressed as an energy grid, in a modern architectural
* These layouts are squares two dimensionally, and
cubes tri-dimensionally.
Basic Principles
The Vastu Purush Mandal is a square, which is its
essential form, and it takes its symbolism and significance
from the square mandal of the earth.
The design regime for the Vastu architect follows specific
* Orientation and siting considerations
* Building Layout with regard to a grid called "Vastu
Purusha Mandala"
* Dimensioning
* Exterior door locations
* Room Placement
* Height
* Layout and interior planning.
*The general slope the site is very important.
*Sloping down to the East, Northeast or North is
considered to be beneficial with the opposite having
negative effects for the occupants of the structure.
*Water position also plays an important role in Vastu
architecture. Northeast being the best location for a body
of water.
*Vastu define specific positions for each activities and
room placement in the site.
Significance of Energy Belts in Layout of Living Space
By Dr. Jessie Mercay
posted by Ganesh
posted by Ganesh
Cosmic Space turns itself into form according to its own desire. As mentioned earlier, the Source material called Cosmic Fire or Brahma Sutra is the thread of light or consciousness also known as “Luminous Nataraja.” The primal form is known as microabode in English. It is square at its base and cubical in structure with six sides. It is called Chidambaram in Sanskrit. This square pattern is the subtle unit of Space (anu) and is the shape of the subtle space contained in our heart known as Atman or Soul (some people refer to individual Atman as jivatman (embodied Soul) – but there is no difference so we use the term Atman). There is a creative hotness in this Cosmic fire called vaisvanara Agni or Cosmic Fire – the flame is blue.
On the journey to manifestation, this subtle cube or microabode replicates itself through frequency or waveform by virtue of Absolute Time or Shakti. Thus, Absolute Time or Shakti is frequency, pulse, vibration or waveform. When this unitary cell goes into action, it splits itself into 64 or 81 smaller cubes or ‘padas’; this is called Vaastu Purusha Mandala. These fractional spaces unfold in sequential order as concentric square belts around the central point called Brahma Pada (luminous space-of fire), Devika Pada (space of effulgence), Maanusha Pada (space of awareness) and Paisaachika Pada (space of grossness). These concentric belts are wave patterns and form one large wave pattern.
These 64 (in the 8×8) or 81 (in the 9×9) Padas that make up the energy belts have specific qualities and characteristics that, when stimulated by human activity, emit specific frequencies and then affect the human occupant based on those frequencies or qualities. Their role as emanations of consciousness cannot be overstated in terms of their effect on humans. Their qualities along with the five Elements guide the placement of rooms, doors, and activities in a Vaastu house. They are referred to as luminaries because they are direct luminescent energies born of consciousness or Brahmam. The Vaastu Purusha Mandala acts as a filter or grid through which the energy of Brahmam (light energy) passes and is fractionalized. That fractionalization splits the light consciousness and forms individuated energy forms – Padadevatas (Riks). Each of these forms has specific values and qualities that reflect in the building. And, each of these forms contain aspects of Cosmic knowledge.
The individuated qualities of these cosmic forms is reflected within a diagram called Phalagunasruti – qualities of consciousness in seed form. In addition to OM light, OM Sound, the five elements and three gunas, these Padadevatas influence the occupant and thus the life of the occupant in innumerable ways. In the chart below you will see notations for the placement of front doors according to Vaastu Shastras. There are positive qualities derived from the placement of doors at certain padas that contain specific Padadevatas. You will note that doors placed incorrectly produce negative results. Does this mean that the Padadevata in that space is negative? No, not necessarily. It simply means that energy does not react well to the stimulation resulting from a door being in its place.
Front door placement is indicated by broad arrows in the cardinal directions. The preferred door placement on all sides is the fourth pada from the corner going clockwise around the mandala from the Northeast. Contrary to popular belief the Vaastu Shastras make it clear that a front entrance may be in any one of four cardinal directions. Lack of knowledge of the Shastras has caused individuals and groups to propagate improper information on the topic of front door placement. Because they are unaware of the concept of “proper pada placement” they fear placing the door anywhere but the East. It is a fact that the door must be in the proper pada in each direction. Improper placement in any direction can bring mishaps to the occupant.
The Padadevatas shown here are found throughout the Vedas and referred to as Riks. (The author is the first person to make this connection between the Padadevatas and the Riks in the Veda in modern times). It is said in the Rig (Rik) Veda that He who is awake the Riks will seek him out. The general concept here (stated in a simplistic way) is that in a Vaastu house, at some point when the occupant becomes attuned to the divine frequency of the house, Divine knowledge (divine experience – spiritual bliss) will come to him or her.
Vastu recommendation for Plots
Plot should be square of rectangular in shape. Square would be best. If it is rectangle then the ratio of length to breadth should be 1:2 and not more than that.
The ground level should be higher in South & West rather than North and East.
Plots facing North or East are better than those facing South or West.
A canal, a lake, river, nallah, a big well or pond should be in north or east only.
Heavy construction or mountains should be in west or south of the plot.
There should not be any big tree in north or east of the plot.
There should not be any pit or well in south or west direction.
All four corners should be at 90 degree (set Square). If only north east is extended i.e. if it is less than 90 degree, it will do.
All rain water should flow from south to north and west to east.
South west should be highest & north east should be lowest in level.
If all the corners are not at 90 degree then we should correct it before starting the construction.
If the dead end of a road is coming in our plot then it should be taken care of because some are good & some are bad. This is called vidhee soola.
Their should not be any hills or mountains in east or north side of your plot.
At the time of purchasing the adjacent plot purchase only in east, north or north-east plots. Never purchase adjacent plot in south or west or accept if even if offered for free
Vastu for House – Vastu Shastra for Home
If main gate of house is toward south-facing, one should get a door constructed in north in front of south door as well.
Food grain should be stored in either north or north-west direction. It should never be stored in south-west direction.
A door just above the front door or straight in front of it causes increment in expenses and poverty, so beware of it.
Staircase is considered to be auspicious toward the right side of south and west direction. Staircase should not be built in north-east direction.
North-east directions should either be used as waiting room or as a guest-room. Otherwise it should be left unused.
Trees should be planted at such length from the house that their shadows should not touch it from 9 am to 3 pm.
Store room should be either built in south-west direction or out of house. Its door should not face south-east, north-east and south. As per Vastu, store’s door should be black colored and water should not be kept in it.
Within the home, it is better to have doors and windows facing toward each other. More windows in north direction increase prosperity in family. It makes goddess Lakshmi and Kuber happy.
Basement is believed to be auspicious, if it is toward north or east direction of the house. However, if it is in either south or west direction, it causes a lot of trouble.
Vastu for Office -Vastushastra for Offices
While constructing an office, it should be kept in mind that administrative area should be toward east, chairman’s room toward north-east, account department toward west, temple toward south-east direction and lobby in the center.
Money and documents should be kept in a safe toward north. If it is not possible, make sure the doors of safe open toward north direction. It is recommended to keep the safe 2-3 inches away from the wall.
Elevator should be installed in north, north-east or east direction. As per Vastu, south and south-west directions are not appropriate for elevator and, therefore, should be avoided.
In a factory boiler should be placed in south-east direction and generator in south-west.
Machines should be placed toward west and workers should face toward east.
Burner should be installed in south-east direction of the kitchen. Similarly, electric-geyser and other electric equipments should be placed toward south-east direction in bathroom.
The main gate of factory should be constructed in such a way so that it faces either north-east or west direction.
The main gate of a hotel, restaurant is considered auspicious if it faces the north-east direction. In a hotel, food should be cooked toward west and western side of it should be slightly higher than the eastern, similarly southern side should be slightly higher than the northern.
Marcus Schmieke - The Most Powerful Vasati Tools to Balance Spatial Energies, 29p from Vaszati Shastra